6 Ways In-Cab Devices Can Benefit Fleets Beyond Compliance
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- 6 Ways In-Cab Devices Can Benefit Fleets Beyond Compliance
- Jan 13, 2020
- Denis Cody
Since the introduction of ELDs, compliance has been the main impetus for fleets to install in-cab devices. However, with scores of basic ELDs introduced to the market over the last two years, fleets are now recognizing the limitations of compliance-only ELD products and the cost of not maximizing productivity and efficiency gains made possible by smarter in-cab solutions such as ORBCOMM’s ELD truck management solution powered by Samsung.
By connecting drivers with the back office and even to customers, in-cab devices can become a productivity hub for fleets. If internal and third-party software and applications can be combined on one single device, fleets can use the device’s computing power and data connectivity to reduce delivery times, improve customer communications, minimize fuel costs and reduce maintenance wear and tear.
Here are six reasons to consider upgrading your device to products like ORBCOMM’s ELD solution powered by Samsung tablets:
1. Closed, Proprietary Platforms Won’t Make the Grade
Today fleets have a myriad of apps, software and documents that they want to share online with their drivers. Whether these are third-party or in-house, the range of applications can include navigation, parking, weather and DVIR apps, payroll reporting, driver bonuses, weigh station bypass, maintenance shop apps, training documentation and more. To ensure these can work together, in-cab devices must be open, non-proprietary, scalable, powerful and flexible enough to integrate with other applications.
2. Better Last–Mile Delivery
As e-commerce pressures force shippers to change the way they do business, carriers must find more cost-efficient and traceable ways to deliver products to customers. Barcode scanning and digital signature capture are key technologies to provide real-time proof of delivery. In-cab devices need to be able to provide these to drivers for use in all weathers and conditions.
3. Move to the Paperless Cab
The drive from paper to electronic communication is also key. By going paperless, drivers can scan barcodes, capture signatures, take photos of loads and transfer trip reports directly to shippers and receivers. Paperless cabs reduce administrative costs, make billing and invoicing instant and provide other benefits for the fleet. The driving experience is enhanced as the driver becomes more productive. And the happier the driver is, the less likely it is for driver turnover to occur.
Vince McCullough has been driving trucks for 42 years. He’s both a driver and driver trainer with Chief Express and sees that paperless has a lot of advantages:
“Every morning I go into the Driver Summary screen on the ORBCOMM ELD. It pulls up the last 10 or 12 days I’ve driven, and if I haven’t signed off on yesterday’s hours yet, the record of those hours will be listed in red. I touch that and it asks me to sign it. I hit another button to sign and the red turns to green. I’ve signed my logs for the day before and I’m good to go. It takes 10 or 15 seconds.”
4. Keeping Data Secure
Having so much data out there on the road with drivers comes with challenges. Data security is the first; phone loss, theft and unsecured WiFi connections can be headaches for IT managers who are responsible for protecting company and customer data. With potential attacks on the device, its software and the data, IT managers need to be able to manage mobile devices out in the field from back in the office. Device management is a necessity so that phones can be locked or wiped remotely.
5. Keeping Devices Updated
Managing hundreds or thousands of mobile devices in the field can be a headache for fleets. Devices must be stocked, configured with the correct software and apps, managed for inventory and distributed to users. It’s not just the device; the correct mounts and cradles must be shipped also. And once out in the field, 24/7 support is key for drivers as they get used to their new devices. When new software is released, this must be upgraded remotely; managers need to be able to touch the device without it having to be brought back into the office. And when some devices fail, these must be returned, replaced and warrantied.
6. The Future? One Device in Each Truck
Realistically, fleets will be able to support one in-cab device in trucks in the future. Drivers cannot be expected to juggle two mobile devices. Instead of wasting time retrieving information from emails, social media or cell phones, drivers want to be able to access everything on one device. Drivers don’t want or need another device to complete all their tasks.
Choose the In-Cab Devices
To cope with all these challenges, fleets are examining the capabilities that their in-cab devices have for combining driver communications, productivity and efficiency apps on the one device.
That’s why ORBCOMM’s truck management and ELD solution is now available on Samsung devices, where fleets can build a productivity hub and create driver ecosystems. By locating productivity and efficiency apps together on a Samsung device – internal or third-party – fleets can connect drivers, schedules, assets, back-office and customers, all on one in-cab screen.
Even better, fleets can buy all the components directly from ORBCOMM for one price. ORBCOMM’s Truck Management and ELD bundle, powered by Samsung, combines everything your fleet requires, including full hardware and software, Samsung mobile device, full data connectivity, MDM (mobile device management), high-quality enclosures and mounts from ProClip, together with device deployment, fulfilment, warranty and customer support.
Fleets can choose from Samsung’s Galaxy Tab A 8.0 or Galaxy Tab Active2 and get defense-grade security, ruggedized hardware and proof-of-delivery technology. Samsung devices make it easier to track orders, capture signatures or take notes with fast data processing, high-resolution cameras that perform in low light, facial recognition, enhanced touch, glove mode, water-resistant S Pen stylus and long-lasting batteries.
To learn more, download a datasheet, or contact us at eld@orbcomm.com.

As ORBCOMM’s Senior Director of Product Marketing, Denis Cody leverages over two decades of industry experience in international B2B marketing to help develop and execute GTM strategies, positioning and messaging for our suite of products and solutions.